
I’ve just spent a few hours over the last two days getting rid of the last of the underseal from the back end of the car. What a disgusting job! I’ve been thinning it out using white spirits, which is pretty effective, but turns it into a sticky, tar-like goop.
It got in my hair, all over my hands, up my arms, on my face, down my back, you name it! And once it dries, it’s bloody hard to shift. I’ve just spent 45 minutes in the shower and I still haven’t got it all off. I think I’ll have to hit the shower tomorrow armed with a bottle of white spirits.

But that’s all the underseal gone from the rear (up to the rear bulkhead) now – all that remains is to get the welding done, take a wire brush to the surface rust, and then get painting. I’ve decided to use POR-15 all over the underside, I’ve heard some pretty good things about it.

Overall, the project seems to be dragging a bit; all I’m doing at the moment is cleaning and stripping stuff, which is dull, dirty and time-consuming! I’ll be glad when this part is over and I can start putting the back end back together again.

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