Finishing The Rear End – Part 2

Nearly finished on the rear end now.

I finished up the painting, then refitted the bootlid (again):


Before reassembling the axle:


And Installing:



Apart from struggling to manhandle it in place and line everything up (My other half turned up at this point and helped out, which was useful 🙂 ), it was quite a straightforward job.

Next up, now that the axle stands were out of the way, was to check the bits of the underside where they were. I’d forgotten that the stands were sitting where those weird brackets are at the back, and they were pretty mangled. Seeing as they had no purpose that I can see, I just ground them off. I then cleaned up the area and treated it with Metal Ready, I’ll be going back to paint those bits tomorrow.


I can see a few bits I missed with the topcoat! I’ll be going over the whole thing before final reassembly for some patching, so I’m not too worried.

Last job was to pull the wheels out from the back of the garage, ready to get some air in them. While they were out, I couldn’t resist seeing how they looked against my daily driver (Saab 9000):


Not bad, if I can find some bigger wheels in a similar style I might end up doing that.

Now I’ve just got to refit the wheels and she’s ready to go!

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