Getting Ready for Winter

As you might have noticed, I haven’t updated here for a little while. As tends to happen, other plans and projects mean that I just haven’t been able to get down to the car recently. As it’s now starting to get colder and the days are getting shorter, I’ve decided it’s time to pack up for the winter.

So over the weekend we went down to the garage, I spent a bit of time welding the wheelarch on (It’s taken me a while to fit properly, the shape and fit of the pressing is awful and needed a lot of beating into shape). Done now though:


The only thing remaining is to paint the arch and wing, then that’s it for the winter.

I also (A couple of weeks ago) stripped and painted the o/s headlamp recess, that’s ready for final painting now:


The car is slowly starting to turn grey, it must be the age.

With that done, we cleared out the garage, packed all the tools away and covered the car over (with cardboard sheets to stop the worst of the condensation dripping from the roof):


Just one more session down there, then it’s goodbye until spring 🙁 It’s just getting too cold now for proper bodywork, so there’s not much more I can do there.

What I do have, though, is a load of parts to be cleaned up and restored. With that in mind, I’ve spent the last couple of evenings sorting out and tidying my loft space to get a good workshop area.

A (little) bit of bench space:


Boxes and piles of random bits (Mostly V8):




And more work space, plus computer for research, blogging, and, er, music!


Pile of crap rare and valuable parts that I probably don’t need anymore (but don’t want to get rid of just yet):


It’s not a perfect work space, but it’ll do for me.

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