Wheelarch Continued

After all the stripping down, I got on with welding the patches in this week.

They needed to be fairly level as I’d be welding bits on to them, and this isn’t really one of my best skills. Nevertheless, I think they came out alright:



They’re not exactly invisible (I’m not that good!), but once I’ve got the other bits welded in place a light skim of filler will sort that out where needed.

There is a small bit where the flitch panel joins the bulkhead where a bit of weld built up, I can’t get to it with any tool in my collection so it’ll just have to stay as it is:


Although once the battery tray, wiper motor and wiring loom goes back in place I don’t think it’ll even be visible.

I also did another bit to the front of the turret, not quite so happy with that:


I should be able to make it disappear, but with a little more filler than I was hoping for. As you can see, I also welded up the holes from the previous spot welds, a little skim of filler and they’ll disappear.

Wheelarch is now finished, ready for me to get the rest of the underseal off and put the new panel in place:


Next job is the sill repair, plus a couple of bits on the floor pan. I made a start this afternoon, cutting the old metal out and painting the bits that aren’t about to be welded:



Just those bits to do plus a couple of small rust holes at the rear of the floorpan, plus the battery tray to sort out and refit, then it’ll be time to start sorting out the dreaded windscreen surround – a job I’m really looking forward to getting behind me.

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