Windscreen Frame part 7

Both panels are now in!

I tacked the top panel in place and did a bit of measuring to make sure nothing had slipped. It all checked out fine, so time to get going on with the welding.

End result:



It looks a mess, but a good session with the grinder should sort that out. It’s not as level as I’d hoped for due to some inevitable heat distortion (maybe I was hoping for too much?), but it’s nothing a bit of hammering down and filling won’t fix. Overall, I’m happy enough with the job.

There’s a couple of bits to patch on the join between the A posts and the roof panel where I got a little carried away with the grinder (Remember, kids: Measure twice, cut once – don’t let this happen to you!)


I’m currently wondering whether to leave the seam there for originality (due to the welding it’ll be a false seam) or fill it in and have a smooth A post. Opinions are welcome.

Other than that, I need to do the plug welding on the bulkhead sections (another 31 plug welds to add to the 58 done so far, it’s starting to get boring now!) then I can press on with the grinding and tidying, plus whichever bits I find that need redoing.

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