Now I’ve moved the work inside, I’ve started work on a couple of different bits.
The first parts to get my attention were the headlamp lift motors and the wiper motor. The wiper motor is waiting on a couple of parts, but I’ve got one of the headlamp motor assemblies done now (I decided to do them one at a time so I could use the other as a template in case I forgot how it went together).
The start – Functional but seriously grotty:
The motor assembly:
Motor body parts after cleaning, stripping and painting:
It probably wasn’t needed, but I decided to replace the motor brushes while I was there:
I also replaced all the wiring – on inspection, it was starting to corrode, even a little way up the insulation. So it all got replaced with some nice modern thin-wall cable, and the connector was replaced with a superseal connector.
As Rimmers were offering new bracket assemblies for dirt cheap money, I didn’t see much point in cleaning them up, so I just replaced them and used the old spring and turnbuckle.
Finished product:
Hi Could you please tell me where you get replacement brush sets from.Cheers Alan
If I remember correctly, I used the brush set from a 14W wiper motor (As fitted to a lot of Triumphs of the era, Spitfire, Dolomite etc). Those come with three brushes but you can just pull the third brush off as it’s not required.
You can get the brush set from – I can’t guarantee that’s the right part but I’m fairly sure!
Hello, I too need to take apart one of my motors. Where did you source the brushes?
Hi there, I got mine from Stafford Vehicle Components ( but I’ve seen them on eBay as well. Just search for ’14W Wiper Motor Brush’ – it’s basically the same as the brush set fitted to the Lucas 14W wiper motor. It’ll come with three brushes, but you don’t need the centre one and you can just remove it. Other than that it’s a direct fit.